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The Incomparable Christ
Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace—Jesus has many names. He also has innumerable aspects that make up His character. This Christmas, join us as we dive into a few of these incomparable characteristics of Christ and discover our deep need to experience them all.

Part 1: His Incomparable Light
Dec 8, 2024
John 8:12
It can’t be touched, heard, smelled, or tasted—it can only be seen. Light has been an invaluable resource for all of time. “Let there be light” were the first words uttered by God in the Bible, and when He walked the Earth, He called Himself the “light of the world.” What is so special about this light? Join us as we discover the incomparable light of Christ and learn what it means for us this Christmas season.

Part 2: His Incomparable Compassion
Dec 15, 2024
Luke 7:11-15
In the Book of Isaiah, Jesus is called a “man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief.” Part of Jesus’ human nature is His ability to feel the same emotions we do. One key characteristic of Jesus described multiple times in the gospel accounts is “compassion.” How does Jesus’ compassion differ from our own and what can we learn from the way He acted out his compassion? Join us as we learn about this incomparable attribute of Christ and discover how we can mold ourselves to be more like Him.

Part 3: His Incomparable Grace
Dec 22, 2024
John 1:14-16
Did you know there are two types of grace that the people of God experience? The Book of John says in Jesus’ “fullness we have all received, grace upon grace.” What are these two graces and how do we receive them? Join us as we celebrate Christmas and discover the incomparable grace of Jesus Christ.

Part 4: The Incomparable Presence of God
Dec 24, 2024
Matthew 1:18-25
Life is full of challenges, especially in the Christmas season. For many of us, they can be even more overwhelming when we feel like we are all alone. The truth of Christmas is that no matter where we are or what we’re going through, we are never alone when we have Jesus. Join us as we celebrate Christmas Eve and discover what “Immanuel (God with us)” really means.
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