Frequently Asked Questions
Q: When will the Homestead Campus merge with the Redlands Campus?
A: December 19, 2021. All Homestead Campus members and attendees are invited to meet at the Redland Campus starting the weekend of December 19, 2021.
Q: How long will the Homestead Campus be with the Redland Campus?
A: Our desire is to return to East Homestead. Until we are able to find a location that can meet the needs that will set us up for sustainable success, we will continue worshiping with our Redland family.
Q: What will happen to Small Groups?
A: All Homestead Small Groups will continue to operate and be resourced as usual. The Small Groups that met at the school on Fridays and Sundays will transition to homes and the Redland campus.
Q: What will happen to CFStudents?
A: CF Students will continue to gather weekly on Friday nights at 7:30PM at the Redland Campus.
Q: What will happen to CF Kids?
A: All CF Campuses offer CFKids programming on the weekend. The Homestead Campus Kids Ministry will join Redland Kids Ministry. They are ready and excited to welcome your kids.
Q: What will happen to CF Volunteers and am I still needed?
A: The Homestead Campus volunteers will merge with the Redland Campus volunteers to help lead the Redland campus during this next season. All leaders will be encouraged to stay engaged to help lead a much larger congregation. You will definitely be wanted and needed!
Q: Where is parking and is it free?
A: Parking is available and free.
Q: What will happen to the staff at Homestead and Redland Campus?
A: All staff members at both the Redland and Homestead campuses will be staying with Christ Fellowship Miami and supporting with their leadership and skills in other areas of need in our church.
Q What are the service times at the Redland Campus?
A: The Redland Campus will be offering 3 services every Sunday at 9 a.m., 10:45 a.m. and in Spanish at 12:30 p.m.
Q: If I’m taking public transportation how will I get there? Will there be opportunities to carpool?
A: To better serve the needs individually, please contact Pastor Damian directly at Pastor Damian is committed to helping everyone transition over the Redland Campus.
Q: Where is the Redland campus?
A: 16390 SW 248 Street. Redland, FL 33031