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Generosity is
our Privilege

Why We Give

We GIVE because God first GAVE, and He calls us to follow in His footsteps. Your giving enables Christ Fellowship to push forward in our mission of helping you and your family follow Jesus locally, globally and online.

Ways We Give

Schedule a recurring gift or give just one time using your checking account, debit or credit card. It's simple and secure.

For your convenience, you can also give one-time or become a recurring giver through Apple Pay.

Using a Smartphone
Bitcoin Tower

Bitcoin, like stocks, is an asset donation with similar tax benefits when given directly to the church.


More on Giving

Wills & Trusts


Christ Fellowship is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA), an accrediting organization that is dedicated to helping Christian ministries and churches uphold high standards of responsible stewardship. For more information, you can visit

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