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Set Free

We’ve all heard the stories of old—a burning bush, ten plagues in Egypt, the very first Passover. What if these stories are not just tales of the past, but lessons for today? Join us as we explore the book of Exodus and learn how these historical events help us set free from the chains we still face now.

Part 1: From Fear

Sep 10, 2023

Exodus 2:1-10

As believers, we often hear that we have “freedom” in Christ. But what exactly are we free from? Join us as we discover how the invisible shackles of fear can enslave our minds, and how we can break free from them in Jesus.

Part 2: From the Pleasures of Sin

Sep 17, 2023

Exodus 2:11-15

When you look back at your life, what are the moments that you remember most? As believers, the moment that may come to our minds first is the day we turned away from our sin and looked toward Jesus. But as we’re still in our flesh, we’re faced with a daily battle of fighting sin and all its pleasures. How can we overcome through Christ? Join us as we explore the story of Moses and discover how we have been set free from this lifelong struggle.

Part 3: To Set Others Free

Sep 24, 2023

Exodus 3:1-6

Have you ever felt unqualified for a place or profession that God was calling you to? Maybe you thought, “I don’t belong there,” or “I’m not good enough.” When we give in to our insecurities and doubts, we often use them as excuses for why we’re disobeying God. Join us as we learn how Moses overcame this very problem thousands of years ago and why we can learn from it today.

Part 4: To Serve God

Oct 1, 2023

Exodus 4:21-23

In Christ, God has set you free from sin—but does your mind still feel like it’s trapped? In the Christian walk, it’s easy to just “go through the motions” and forget the joy of our salvation. Join us as we learn how to overcome in Christ when we’re still living like slaves to our old selves.

Part 5: By God's Power

Oct 8, 2023

Exodus 7:2-5

In the book of Exodus, there is a pivotal moment where God hardens Pharaoh’s heart. What was the reason for this? Does it negate the free will God has given us? And why did God send ten plagues over all of Egypt just because of one man? Join us as we dive deep into all these questions and explore how God can transform our own hardened hearts.

Part 6: By God's Passover

Oct 22, 2023

Exodus 12:12-14

More than just a holiday, Passover remembers one of the most significant events in redemptive history. What exactly happened during this event? Why is it significant for Christians today? Join us as we explore the start of Passover and how it foreshadows the future.
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