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“I Am”. Two words that are so mysterious, yet mean so much. Why does God name himself with these words? In seven “I Am” statements, Jesus reveals the spiritual needs we all have, and how He fulfills every single one. Join us as we explore these statements and how they secure our future.

Part 1: The Bread of Life

Jul 16, 2023

John 6:32-35

In the Gospel of John, Jesus says "I am the bread of life". What does He mean by that? How can it be true that this "bread of life" promises the end of hunger and thirst? Join us as we explore these famous words from Jesus and how they impact our lives today.

Part 3: The Door of the Sheep

Jul 30, 2023

John 10:7-9

When you think of Jesus and His most famous names, is the following one on your list? "I am the door of the sheep." What in the world does that mean? Where does this door lead? Why does it involve sheep? Discover the meaning of this curious phrase as we explore the third "I AM" statement of Jesus.

Part 4: The Good Shepherd

Aug 6, 2023

John 10:11-18

In His fourth "I AM" statement, Jesus says, "I am the good shepherd". What does He mean by this? Was He really tending to physical sheep, or is this a metaphor for something greater? Join us as we discover the significance behind this famous name.

Part 5: The Way, the Truth, and the Life

Aug 20, 2023

John 14:5-6

Is there only one way to heaven? If so, what is it? How can we know for sure? In his fifth I AM statement, Jesus doesn't just claim that He knows the way, but that He himself is the way. Even further, Jesus goes on to personify Himself as truth and life. Join us as we dive deeper into these words and discover why this description of Jesus matters so much for our lives.

Part 6: The True Vine

Aug 27, 2023

John 15:5

In just the book of John, the word "abide" is used 40 times. What's so special about this word? And what did Jesus mean when He said, "I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing,"? Join us and discover how we can abide in Christ by staying connect to the one, true vine.
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