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Clarity is Kindness

It’s no secret that America is divided. Whether it’s about abortion, gender roles, immigration, gun control, sexuality or drug use, the United States are not so united anymore. Too often, these controversial topics leave Christians feeling confused about where they should stand. For fear of being unkind, they retreat and choose not to stand for the truth that is clearly laid out in God’s Word. Join us as we dive into these divisive topics and learn how bringing clarity to these issues reflects true kindness.

Part 1: Clarity on the Role of Men and Women

Sep 15, 2024

Genesis 2:18 & Genesis 2:21-25

When God made humans, He made them perfectly. In His flawless design, God designated specific roles to men and specific roles to women. What are these roles? Should we still follow them even though our world is no longer perfect? Join us and learn more about the perfect plan God has for men and women, and how our society has distorted it completely.

Part 2: Clarity on Taking a Life and Self-Defense

Sep 22, 2024

Genesis 9:5-6

One of the most famous Ten Commandments is, “You shall not murder.” For thousands of years in hundreds of civilizations, this law has stood in place as a vital part of a functioning society. If murder is such an egregious sin to God, what does He think about capital punishment and self-defense? Is it wrong for Christians to own deadly weapons? Join us as we explore these topics and get clarity on what God really says about taking a life.

Part 3: Clarity on Immigration

Sep 29, 2024

Deuteronomy 10:17-19

They’re some of the most hotly debated topics this election cycle—immigration and the border. What does the Bible say about these issues? Does God even mention the concept of borders and migrants? Join us as we learn the special command God has for how His people treat “sojourners.”

Part 4: Clarity on Homosexuality

Oct 6, 2024

Romans 1:25-27

Have you ever heard this argument before? “The word ‘homosexuality’ never appears in the Bible, so it’s not really a sin.” This claim, among many others, is a justification for why Christians should approve and even praise gay and lesbian relationships. So, what does the Bible actually say about homosexuality? Did God only talk about it in the Old Testament, or in the New Testament as well? What does God think about churches that display pride flags and welcome gay and lesbian people? Find out with us as we dive deeper into God’s Word about this contentious topic.

Part 5: Clarity on Climate Change

Oct 13, 2024

Genesis 2:7,15 & Romans 8:22

Hurricanes, earthquakes, record temperatures, rising sea levels—it seems like we are experiencing the Earth's “groans” more and more. Is humanity responsible for this? How should Christians respond to the idea of “climate change” and “environmental responsibility?” Join us as we explore these controversial topics and learn where our true hope lies regarding the fate of our world.

Part 6: Clarity on Abortion

Oct 20, 2024

Psalm 139:13-14 & Jeremiah 1:5

In 2023 alone, researchers estimate there were 1,026,700 abortions in the United States. That means over a million babies were intentionally killed in the womb before they could even take their first breath. Although the Bible doesn’t explicitly mention the word “abortion,” God still has plenty to say about life in the womb. Where should Christians place themselves on this national issue? Join us as we tackle this heavy and heartbreaking topic straight from the truth God has laid out for us.

Part 7: Clarity on Substance Abuse

Oct 27, 2024

1 Peter 5:8

In the book of 1 Peter, God commands us to be “sober-minded.” What does that term really mean? Is it referring to the use of illicit substances or an overarching state of mind? What is God’s view on using certain substances, and what are the common arguments in favor of them? Join us as we seek clarity from God’s Word and learn how Christians should respond to this topical debate.
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