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Broken Saviors
This is the part where it all goes downhill. In the Book of Judges, Israel has defeated several major cities, conquering them just as God had commanded. But this task of conquest was never fully finished. As a result of their disobedience, Israel begins to move further and further away from God. How does God respond? He calls His people to repent and sends judges to save Israel in their distress. Join us as we explore this fascinating book and discover what it reveals about our own disobedience today.

Part 1: The Failure of Partial Obedience
9 de feb de 2025
Judges 2:1-2
Life is kind of like football—we are the players and God is the coach. When God makes a call for you to follow on the field, do you obey? In the Book of Judges, we see an example of the consequences that occur when God’s people start to ignore His commands. Join us as we discover what we can learn from this story and how our obedience to God can drastically change our lives.

Part 2: This Generation's Greatest Objective
16 de feb de 2025
Judges 2:7-10
Whether you’re a Millennial, a Baby Boomer or a part of Generation Z, you’ve likely found yourself comparing your life to the lifestyle of the generations before you. Maybe you’ve even blamed them for issues regarding politics, the economy or the environment. No matter what generation you’re a part of, every single one has the same responsibility: to raise up the next generation for Christ. Join us as we learn from the Book of Judges where Israel went wrong in this area and how we can avoid making the same mistakes.

Part 3: The Failure of Partial Trust in God
23 de feb de 2025
Judges 4:4-9
Have you ever felt distant from God? You know He’s there and that He would never leave you, but you don’t feel as close to Him as you once did. God hasn’t forgotten about you, even in your times of distress. Join us as we learn from the Book of Judges the aspects of life that create distance and mistrust in our relationship with God.

Part 4: From Fearful, to Faithful, to Fallen
2 de mar de 2025
Judges 6:1,6 & Judges 6:11-12
Have you ever struggled with asking for help? Maybe you think you have it all handled and you’re afraid of relinquishing control to other people. It can be easy to forget where our help comes from and think success comes solely from our work. Join us as we learn the story of Gideon, a judge in Israel who experienced tremendous victory but ultimately fell to his own demise.

Part 5: A Broken Savior Who Failed to Know God's Word
9 de mar de 2025
Judges 11:29-33
When you look at your life, what does it reflect? Do people see Jesus when they look at you? In our walks with the Lord, it can be easy to coast along and grow stagnant before we realize we’re drifting far away from Him. Join us as we continue our study in the Book of Judges and learn how knowing God’s Word can save us from making costly mistakes.

Part 6: A Broken Savior Who Was Led by His Emotions
16 de mar de 2025
Judges 13:21-25
What does it mean to be led by God’s Holy Spirit? Is it about having special gifts or talents? Is it about modifying our behavior to be more like Jesus? The story of Samson is a tragic display of someone who was once led by the Holy Spirit falling away from God. Join us as we hear his story and see how we might make the same mistakes when we choose to rely on our emotions.
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